Is Yoni Massage right for me?

Yoni Massage is such a powerful modality, and in the hands of a *skilled, safe practitioner* it’s possible to undergo incredible healing and transformation. I know, because as an ex-practitioner and someone who’s trained many bodyworkers, I’ve seen it often.

But as amazing as it is, it’s not the whole story when it comes to female sexual transformation.

It’s not a quick fix/panacea.
Not everyone is ready.
There’s other work to do first.

There’s so much more to sexual healing than releasing vaginal numbness and pain (although it is helpful).

If we really want to increase our capacity to feel pleasure and experience deep orgasm there’s other work to do too.

So much empowerment happens when we take matters into our “own hands” rather than rely on a practitioner “fixing” or “healing” us.

There’s many ways to approach this, and one such way is to consider working 1:1 with me, where we create a tailor-made coaching program specific to your needs.

In my private client work, we get to go exactly at your pace, and I’ll hold your hand every step of the way so that you’re fully supported in your transformation. The beauty of working in this way is that you get to try the practices in the comfort, privacy and safety of your own home. You get to work through the numbness, resistance and challenges yourself, with regular expert support.

My online coaching packages are available from 6-12 months, so that you get to experience lasting change that sticks. It’s a very different approach from visiting a practitioner for a one-off bodywork session, and so, so rewarding.

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Self-love starts deep within. It starts with action!


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