Hire me at your next event
Give your audience an immediate, direct, embodied experience of their own sensuality, power and potential

Would you love your audience to be truly inspired
and gain a somatic experience of their true potential, which helps them integrate your content?
I speak and present at live events to audiences ranging from 20 to 500, including international women’s workshops, entrepreneur’s conferences and sexuality seminars. I’m available for podcast interviews, summits (if our values are aligned) and teaching as a guest in your group programs.
Popular topics
- What is orgasmic confidence?
- How to embody your confidence and creative potential
- The magic and power of cervical orgasms
- Radical Self Love
- How to retrain your body and mind to awaken pleasure
- How to overcome numbness and awaken your pleasure and orgasms
- How to overcome sexual blocks and experience pleasure & orgasms
When I decided to host a live event all about Expression and how it connects with business, I knew I wanted someone to lead a movement session that would facilitate my audience being able to experience themselves in a sensual way. Mangala was my first choice, and I’m so glad she said yes!
She took our group of women through an incredibly healing, sensual movement experience that was safe, inclusive, and gentle. I love how Mangala was able to attune to the room and give us an experience that was neither too shallow nor too deep. It was just what we needed in the moment, and Mangala delivered.
I would highly recommend working with Mangala whether in person or online- she is very well-trained, safe, and welcoming, and has a keen insight into just the right pace. Thank you, Mangala!
Emily UtterBusiness coach for adventurous coaches She took our group of women through an incredibly healing, sensual movement experience that was safe, inclusive, and gentle. I love how Mangala was able to attune to the room and give us an experience that was neither too shallow nor too deep. It was just what we needed in the moment, and Mangala delivered.
I would highly recommend working with Mangala whether in person or online- she is very well-trained, safe, and welcoming, and has a keen insight into just the right pace. Thank you, Mangala!

It was such an honour to be graced by Mangala's grounded presence. She presented to my group on embodiment practices and tied it so well with the work I do around emotional release and trauma therapy.
I had so much amazing feedback and my group both male and female loved her and started using her advice straight away.
Mangala has such an approachable and calming presence.
Dr Jin Ong I had so much amazing feedback and my group both male and female loved her and started using her advice straight away.
Mangala has such an approachable and calming presence.

Having Mangala as a guest teacher in my group program opened up so much for my clients. She does such a great job at making sexuality approachable for women who have not spent much time connecting to this part of themselves. Mangala guided my clients through a powerful movement practice and supported every participant to feel safe in connecting with their body in this way. She is an incredible educator and space holder.
Amy NatalieWomen's Empowerment Coach 
I was so honoured to have Mangala coach in my programmes. Sex and intimacy can be an intimidating space to seek support in, but I would feel very safe and comfortable having Mangala coach me. She's such a generous soul and so wise. She teaches from a great place of embodied experience - encompassing both Tantric and Eastern knowledge with very real and grounded information that is accessible for all.
Olivia BryantFounder: Self: Cervix 
Mangala is a highly intuitive teacher who walks her talk and is deeply committed to transmitting her knowledge and wisdom from a place of deep integrity, authenticity and love. It’s such a great honour to receive her teachings.
Shae Elise Founder of Mother of Desire and Yoni Repatterning 