From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction
Overcome numbness & disconnection.
Awaken your delicious pleasure and deep fulfillment

From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction
Overcome numbness & disconnection.
Awaken your delicious pleasure and deep fulfillment
Hey, I’m Mangala
International orgasm expert, pleasure nerd and embodiment queen

With over 14 years of personal & professional experience in the sexuality world, I’m here to help you feel powerful and confident through discovering incredible pleasure and awakening your orgasms.
I want you to experience the wholeness, confidence and freedom that’s totally possible when you’re deeply connected to your body and in touch with your desires. I know this is possible for you because I’ve worked with thousands of women and vulva owners all over the world and witnessed their incredible transformation.
Female sexuality is nuanced – awakening deep pleasure requires time, patience, trust and safety. I don’t believe in quick fixes or cookie-cutter approaches because I want you to experience long-lasting change and real transformation.
I’m delighted you’re here and happy to be in deep service to your pleasure and sexual liberation,
So much love,

Embodied Female Pleasure
(10-month online female sexuality facilitator training program)
Learn the specific tools, practices, exercises, processes and techniques required to awaken female pleasure, ignite desire and unleash orgasmic potential so that you have full confidence in your abilities as a facilitator.
You’ll go on a deep journey of discovery into your own pleasure, power, confidence and orgasmic awakening so that you can embody the teachings and integrate them with your own innate wisdom.
Gain world-class facilitation skills and specific practices so that you’re fully equipped to run workshops, retreats, group programs and 1:1 sessions (both in person and online), meaning that you can build a robust yet flexible business.
This program is for vulva owners due to the intimate anatomical focus of the work.

Orgasmic Confidence
My signature 3-month online group program for women and folks with vulvas: – awaken your pleasure; embody your confidence; reclaim your power and ignite your orgasmic potential.
Sensual Awakening Coaching
Bespoke 6 month 1:1 coaching program tailored specifically to your situation and lifestyle – this personalized, high level support is designed to meet you where you’re at right now and help you to become empowered, confident and feel whole, whilst awakening your full body pleasure and true orgasmic potential.

Free interview series
Lifting taboos of female sexuality, power and wisdom
"Thank you again for bringing together such incredible and inspiring women from across the world to share your wisdom. Every female bodied person needs to know this stuff"
Nicki – Victoria, Australia

o' club - the membership
Increase your pleasure, orgasms and sensual confidence
The non-judgy, no-BS community for badass women & vulva owners where you thrive by putting your pleasure first
What my clients are saying
Our work together and individually has been supercharged. It’s been absolutely inspiring and magnificent, I am so grateful for the opportunity to train with Mangala again, she was my yoni massage teacher. I really admire the way she works and how she creates opportunities for amazing growth and self honouring in a way that is aligned with my belief systems and practices. I’ve had a complete paradigm shift in this time and I am so grateful!
Wendy Bennett, Womb of Creativity; Victoria, Australia
My confidence and desire to explore pleasure has exploded, the practices have helped me to get in touch and feel into something completely new and alive. I finally feel like I have landed in my body and have new tools and energy to feel into more pleasure in all aspects of my life, from sexual pleasure and intimacy to creativity. I am so excited to see where this expansion takes me. If you’ve been thinking about working with Mangala, just jump right in!
Liv, Victoria – Australia
I just want you to know that last night I had my very first orgasm while having s*x!!! I thought it would never happen for me! Thank you for your magical work
Jess, Melbourne
I feel more pleasure when I explore internally, I don’t experience any pain. I’ve definitely strengthened the pleasure and energetic connection to my cervix and can sense and feel my cervix now without even stimulating or touching it and it feels really nice. I also have MUCH less fear about being intimate with myself. I used to get squeamish thinking about my pussy or exploring internally…but I’ve completely built a new empowered association where I feel safe and calm self pleasuring and I know self pleasure only leads to good outcomes now. Now I am much more comfortable with my own anatomy and also owning my pussy and seeing my pussy as beautiful and feeling more confident
Mackenzie, Australia
I have experienced a cervical orgasm for the first time I am aware of in my life and learnt lifetime tools to help me navigate the changes life brings. Perimenopause symptoms (to the relief of my husband) have subsided and he has noticed me happier and confident and lots more. I have already recommended to you to friends and shared this newfound wisdom, your knowledge and grounding, experienced energy you are the stand out person to guide anyone through these teachings, I love the bite size steps and practices that can be done daily without feeling you need to create a full blown schedule and the results still incredible
Nicola Parish, UK
After our last call I experienced my first G-spot orgasm during self-pleasure!!! I feel so much more in tune with the inner workings of my Yoni. I am so so happy
Grace, Perth
Thank you so much for all your guidance and help, I feel so much more grounded and confident. I never thought I’d experience pleasure again.
L, Germany
I feel so much more empowered since we started working together, Mangala – I’m so excited to realise that I can heal my p*ssy and my p*ssy can help me heal. It’s reciprocal
V, Pennsylvania
We made love for 2 hours and the pleasure felt amazing. We feel so much more connected these days.
G, New York
You have made a huge, and positive impact in my life, I actually can’t thank you enough. I thought I was broken, but I certainly am not.
EW, Victoria