Hire me at your next event

Give your audience an immediate, direct, embodied experience of their own sensuality, power and potential

Would you love your audience to be truly inspired

and gain a somatic experience of their true potential, which helps them integrate your content?

I speak and present at live events to audiences ranging from 20 to 500, including international women’s workshops, entrepreneur’s conferences and sexuality seminars. I’m available for podcast interviews, summits (if our values are aligned) and teaching as a guest in your group programs.

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The No-Nonsense Guide to Self-Pleasure, Sexual Confidence and Female Orgasms

Available on Amazon & Kindle

FREE masterclass

3 steps to

sensual freedom

The no-nonsense guide to increasing your pleasure, libido & confidence

Wednesday 26th March
8pm UK/1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern/ 7am (Thursday 27th) Melbourne/Sydney

Free 3 part video series

From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction

Overcome numbness & disconnection
Awaken your delicious pleasure and deep fulfilment