Orgasmic Confidence

Transform your life, discover true empowerment, and become more confident - one mind-blowing orgasm at a time
Limited spaces available

The women & pussy owners in this program have:

  • Experienced orgasms for the first time (solo and/or with partners), and finally discovered the elusive G spot and cervical orgasms

  • Attracted high quality lovers and relationships

  • Experienced profound deep, inner sexual healing

  • Started entire new careers and businesses

  • Got promoted and kicked ass in the boardroom

  • Moved cities/countries and started entire new exciting life chapters

  • Asserted their boundaries and got confident asking for what they want

  • Created healthier relationship dynamics with family & loved ones

  • Had massive creative breakthroughs and started awesome new projects

  • Welcomed serious levels of abundance in all areas of their lives

  • Gone through huge up-levelling and attracted more high-quality clients (and increased their rates!)

  • Stepped into unapologetic freedom, started adventurous creative pursuits, and found supportive new networks of like-minded badasses

Is this you?

  • Would you love to experience more pleasure and sensual confidence and a deeper, more satisfying connection to your body and erotic energy?

  • Are you a HELL YES to discovering more of your delicious orgasmic potential (including internal G-spot and cervical orgasms, which are a mystery to many folks)?

  • Are you ready to feel truly turned on by life, and to feel confident, powerful and wonderfully whole?

  • Are you done with feeling disconnected, stressed, stuck in your head and overwhelmed?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, I’d love to share my roadmap to authentic wisdom, embodied pleasure and mind-blowing orgasms

"I went from feeling totally blocked to enjoying multiple orgasms"

Until my late 30s I was completely disconnected from my body and my pleasure. I had endless drunken, drug-fuelled, shame-filled one-night stands, and was lucky if I experienced a clitoral orgasm. I was sexually and emotionally blocked, and full of destructive, intense self-hatred.

In the last 14 years I’ve been on a deep, powerful healing journey of discovering my truth, my power, and mind-blowing cervical orgasms.

I finally learned to love myself from the inside out and let go of my deep-rooted sexual shame.

I got deeply intimate with my own inner world, my own desires, and my true sense of myself as a sensual woman. Not what the media portrays, not what the so-called experts say, but my own, unique, authentic power, pleasure and orgasmic confidence.

And once I discovered cervical orgasms for myself I started to shout it from the rooftops!

Over the last 9 years I’ve worked with thousands of women and pussy owners all over the world, giving them specific tools to empower themselves in their own pleasure by using my unique roadmap.

I’ve also trained other professionals to facilitate female pleasure – including GPs, chiropractors, sex therapists, trauma therapists, medical intuitives, counsellors, somatic coaches, doulas, midwives, health and wellness coaches. In other words – I’m an international expert in female pleasure and orgasms.

Many of my clients go from a lifetime of shutdown and shame to experiencing mind blowing, expansive intimate experiences, with themselves and their partners. They unravel numbness, stop beating themselves up and connect to their personal power, fierce self-love and confidence in the world.

In my experience there’s 3 common mistakes people make when they want to clear sexual blockages and awaken amazing, internal orgasms:

  • You can’t awaken deep pleasure without feeling safe in your body - you can have all the best tips and tricks in the world but without becoming embodied, they just won’t work

  • Thinking you can “just push through” is ineffective and can cause more harm than good. You have to get to know what your full body yes and no feels like, and be able to communicate it.

  • Female sexuality is nuanced and non-linear - you can’t just read a book or do a weekend workshop and expect a permanent transformation. It takes time, practice and support!

Please don’t think pleasure is a frivolous luxury (or for other people) – it’s essential to your wellbeing (especially in these wild times).

I’ve supported so many clients to find grounding and cultivate resilience, cultivating their internal resources to have more energy and joy. This has helped them cope with the unique challenges of our times, and at the same time, they’ve discovered more pleasure than they ever thought possible (yes, even during the pandemic!). Many of them have experienced their first orgasms, including G spot and cervical orgasms!

I can’t emphasise this enough – creating lasting, safe strategies to connect to your body, your inner wisdom and pleasure, helps you to show up powerfully in the world, and have the confidence to ask for what you need. I take a gentle, embodied, self-paced approach to this work, so that you’re not pushed over any edges, but get to expand your capacity for pleasure, safely.

Sexual energy is also your life force, creativity and abundant flow – which means that the impact of awakening your pleasure and orgasms is much more than “a nice feeling” – because what you experience in the bedroom impacts every area of your life.

"My confidence and desire to explore pleasure has exploded, the practices have helped me to get in touch and feel into something completely new and alive. I finally feel like I have landed in my body and have new tools and energy to feel into more pleasure in all aspects of my life, from sexual pleasure and intimacy to creativity. I am so excited to see where this expansion takes me. If you’ve been thinking about working with Mangala, just jump right in!"

Liv, Victoria – Australia

Participants in my group programs often:

It’s your time now to fully step into your magnificence and rock your pleasure so that you can experience inner freedom, joy and authenticity.
That’s why I’ve created this powerful 3 month group program for you:
orgasmic confidence webinar with mangala holland

Orgasmic Confidence™

is my signature 3 month online group program for women and pussy owners.

You’ll awaken your pleasure; embody your confidence; reclaim your power and ignite your orgasmic potential.

Overcome sexual blockages & begin your journey to liberation.

Identify your personal blocks to pleasure and be supported with the Orgasmic Confidence™ roadmap to gently overcome them – gently, at your own pace, without pushing yourself beyond the limits of your body and your nervous system so that you can create the solid foundations for epic orgasms.

From disconnection to deep pleasure.

Discover how to activate the pleasure that already exists within you “on tap” and be able to feel it throughout your whole body, so that intimacy becomes way more enjoyable and satisfying – meaning you’re truly inspired to engage in self-pleasure and make love, rather than avoiding it, dreading it and making excuses.

Create an incredible, unshakeable, loving relationship with your body from the inside out.

Overcome shyness, insecurity, guilt, shame and self-sabotage so that you can speak up for yourself and feel totally at ease asking for what you want and having those awkward conversations so that you can actually get your needs met, and have the epic pleasure and fulfilling intimacy, satisfaction and freedom that you deserve.

Transform stress into sensual delight.

Discover your true sexual expression and move through your blockages so that you’re able to feel alive, energised, receptive, magnetic, juiced up and turned on by the whole of your life (both inside and outside the bedroom). No copying anyone else, no fake-it-til-you-make it, no putting on a performative mask – instead, celebrating your own, unique sensual essence.

Claim your power back: from insecurity to unshakeable confidence.

Overcome shyness, insecurity, guilt, shame and self-sabotage so that you can speak up for yourself and feel totally at ease asking for what you want and having those awkward conversations so that you can actually get your needs met, and have the epic pleasure and fulfilling intimacy, satisfaction and freedom that you deserve.

Reignite your libido at any age.

Discover how to get your mojo back so that you can enjoy the full, powerful flow of your sexual energy on tap and intimacy no longer feels like a chore – no matter what your age (we’ve had loads of participants age 35-76 who are now experiencing the best sex, pleasure and orgasms of their life). It is never too late to reclaim your pleasure!

Master the art of self-pleasure.

learn my exact methods to help you awaken your pleasure, orgasms and turn-on for yourself – so that you can become your own best lover, not dependent on a partner, and feel more empowered and in love with yourself than ever before. Seriously, this is where it’s at – there’s always new heights and depths of sensation to explore, and multiple, cosmic orgasms are absolutely possible when you use my methodology (we see it all the time in this program!).

Embrace your orgasmic future.

Increase your capacity for pleasure and discover exactly how to awaken internal G spot and cervical orgasms and enhance them! Whether you have a partner or not, being able to experience this level of pleasure and satisfaction is so incredibly empowering – because these types of orgasms are incredibly emotionally fulfilling.

What’s included?

What this program isn't:

We prioritise safety above all else, meaning that unlike other programs out there that lack nuance, you won’t be pushed beyond your limits, thrown into something you’re not ready for, or made to feel like a failure or “less than”. You have full agency every step of the way, and I’ll hold your hand to make sure you get the most out of this experience.

You’re not expected to spend hours a day engaging in lengthy, intense practices that fry your nervous system. Everything is designed to be bite-sized and accessible, because if you truly want to integrate pleasure into your life, doing small practices regularly will get you much further. That’s why intensive retreats and workshops don’t work – they might feel good in the moment, but they don’t lead to permanent transformation, and many people don’t feel like they’ve made any progress once the buzz wears off and they’re back into normal life.

We don’t do ungrounded woo-woo fluff in my programs! There’s no dogma, or “shoulds” (you’ve already had enough of them in your life, right?). There’s absolutely no spiritual bypassing, or ideals of what it means to be “feminine”, no fake-it-till you make it, no competition with each other, bitchiness or manipulation. This is a truly supportive space, where you’ll be inspired as you witness each others’ growth, transformation and inner wisdom.


Program components
Month 1
  • Masterclass 1: Embodiment: getting out of your head and into your body, so that you can immediately feel more sensation and pleasure
  • Masterclass 2: Radical Self-Love: fall deeply in love with yourself by cultivating compassion, confidence and celebrating yourself from the inside-out
  • Masterclass 3: Clearing the Obstacles to Success: overcoming shyness, insecurity, shame, guilt, resistance & self-sabotage
  • Integration week
Month 2
  • Masterclass 4: Awakening & Enhancing Full Body Pleasure: how to generate and spread pleasure through your whole system so that you can increase your capacity to feel and hold more pleasure than you ever thought possible
  • Masterclass 5: Cultivating Epic & Powerful Orgasms (including G spot & cervical): get my proven best tips, tricks, techniques and processes to help you move through internal numbness, awaken all the delicious pleasure spots inside, and awaken your orgasmic potential
  • Masterclass 6: Laser Coaching & Q&A session
  • Integration week
Month 3
  • Masterclass 7: Receptivity & Magnetism: learn how to receive more pleasure and embrace more allowing in your life without giving your power away so that life stops feeling like a struggle and you get to experience more joy, ease and flow
  • Masterclass 8: Cultivating Sexual Confidence (& getting your needs met): gain the skills to feel confident asking for what you need in the bedroom, feel comfortable expressing your desires and no longer feel insecure or inauthentic and performative
  • Masterclass 9: Closing Celebration & Integration Process
I would recommend Orgasmic Confidence™ to anyone that wants to see a sizeable and quick change to their relationship to their body. You provide a safe space to explore what is safe for us. You are not ‘woo woo’ and your pragmatic, kind and compassionate approach working within fully the confines of someone’s level of consent make this work safe and approachable for even the most reticent of people.

Merilyn, Australia

Limited spaces available

What previous participants are saying

My confidence and desire to explore pleasure has exploded, the practices have helped me to get in touch and feel into something completely new and alive. I finally feel like I have landed in my body and have new tools and energy to feel into more pleasure in all aspects of my life, from sexual pleasure and intimacy to creativity. I am so excited to see where this expansion takes me. If you’ve been thinking about working with Mangala, just jump right in!

Liv, Victoria – Australia

“I have experienced a cervical orgasm for the first time I am aware of in my life and learnt lifetime tools to help me navigate the changes life brings. Perimenopause symptoms (to the relief of my husband) have subsided and he has noticed me happier and confident and lots more…. you are the stand out person to guide anyone through these teachings, I love the bite size steps and practices that can be done daily without feeling you need to create a full blown schedule and the results still incredible”.

Nicola Parish, UK

“I feel more pleasure when I explore internally, I don’t experience any pain. I’ve definitely strengthened the pleasure and energetic connection to my cervix and can sense and feel my cervix now without even stimulating or touching it and it feels really nice. I also have MUCH less fear about being intimate with myself. I used to get squeamish thinking about my pussy or exploring internally…but I’ve completely built a new empowered association where I feel safe and calm self pleasuring and I know self pleasure only leads to good outcomes now. Now I am much more comfortable with my own anatomy and also owning my pussy and seeing my pussy as beautiful and feeling more confident”

Mackenzie, Australia

This course penetrates the outer protective layers we all have against achieving inner connection and wisdom. Mangala is an expert guide on the journey and no question is too out there – she sensitively and lovingly handled our journeys without judgement. Mangala’s reassuring manner meant I could take the course at my own pace and I felt supported taking my own mini-steps towards vulnerable places I hadn’t thought I was able to go. I am so much closer to achieving my personal goals around pussy power and autonomy after this OC experience. I was honoured to be on the course and share the journey with this group.

Molly, Australia

“I loved the Orgasmic Confidence™ course and the way Mangala structured it… Mangala is lovely and so comfortable in talking about all aspects of women’s sexuality- from trauma to pleasure to orgasm (the many different types!) and I really appreciated that and the practices she taught us…. Thank you, Mangala!!”

Anon, US

“Thank you again for …bringing together such incredible and inspiring women from across the world to share your wisdom. Every female-bodied person needs to know this stuff

Nicki – Victoria, Australia

This revelation and opening to my body is just a blessing and such a turning point for me. For me, it is not just about your knowledge, but the way you hold space with your aware, peaceful and loving acceptance and presence”

Anneke, Germany

“I just want you to know that last night I had my very first orgasm while having s*x!!! I thought it would never happen for me! Thank you for your magical work”

 Jess, Melbourne

“Thank you so much for all your guidance and help, I feel so much more grounded and confident. I never thought I’d experience pleasure again!”

L, Germany

Limited spaces available

This 3 month program is the perfect fit for you if...

This is NOT a good fit if…

Investment (USD)

Early Bird

(expires 29th January 2025)

Either Pay in full: $1800

Or payment plan (3 x monthly instalments of $650)

Standard pricing

(from 30th January 2025 onwards)

Either Pay in full: $2200

Or payment plan (3 x monthly installments of $750)

We have a limited number of VIP spaces available:

(Includes 3 x private coaching calls with Mangala - this is for you if you’d love my personal support, strategy and mentoring to take your orgasmic confidence to a whole new level)

Either Pay in full: $2800

Or payment plan (3 x monthly instalments of $999)

Investment (USD)

Standard pricing

Either Pay in full: $2200

Or payment plan (3 x monthly instalments of $750)

Or payment plan (6 x monthly instalments of $399)

We have a limited number of VIP spaces available:

(Includes 3 x private coaching calls with Mangala - this is for you if you’d love my personal support, strategy and mentoring to take your orgasmic confidence to a whole new level)

Either Pay in full: $2800

Or payment plan (3 x monthly instalments of $999)

Or payment plan (6 x monthly instalments of $499)

"Joining the program was a way for me to set a clear intention and commitment to prioritizing my body and my pleasure. The power and magnitude of transformation that I have witnessed and am experiencing is impossible to put into words. Before signing up I felt a bit hesitant about the price, but for sure, it was completely worth the investment! I warmly recommend the experience for anyone who feels the yearning and desire to feel more free and confident in their body and expression."

Minna, 45, Finland

Limited spaces available.
Enrol by 4th February 2025 to embark on your journey towards orgasmic confidence with a select group of women and pussy owners.

You’ll get access to our powerful community of badasses, bite sized (yet incredibly powerful) practices that you can implement in your daily life (that have worked for thousands of folks just like you), and you’ll reconnect with your inner power, pleasure and orgasmic potential.


We have a couple of payment plan options, meaning you can spread the cost over 3 or 4 months. If you’re quick, take advantage of the early bird rate to get the extra benefits! This course is a fraction of the cost of working with me privately, and has been priced to make it as accessible as possible.

I hear ya! We’ve deliberately paced this program to give you spaciousness (including integration weeks) , so that you can go at your own pace and integrate the work. This knowledge and wisdom gives you tools and skills for life, and the embodiment practices are designed to support your nervous system and reduce overwhelm – so that you no longer feel exhausted, spinning several plates at once, and can actually get back to living a pleasure-filled life that energises you.

Our VIP option gives you the benefit of both the group container as well as targeted, specific, personal coaching, so that you can make the most out of this journey together. This is absolutely the best option if you want to go deeper and get epic value from the program. If you’d absolutely prefer to just work together 1:1 then email to discuss a 6 or 12 month private coaching package.

The Orgasmic Confidence method gives you a very specific structure which has worked for thousands of pussy owners. It’s a very embodied approach that’s different to most other classes and workshops. By being in a 3 month container, you get to go at your own pace, and allow the practices to really work. Can I promise you orgasms? No, because female sexuality is complex and non-linear, and a goal oriented approach doesn’t work. However, participants get real, tangible breakthroughs because we’re not taking a quick-fix/band-aid approach. In short: if you show up and do the practices (it’s the best homework ever, by the way!) – then you’ll absolutely reap the rewards.

The magic of female sexuality and pleasure is that there’s always more to discover! Pleasure isn’t finite. If you’d love to deepen your experience of G-spot and cervical orgasms, and experience more subtlety, more sensations and heightened awareness then you absolutely need to join us. I’m sharing the exact practices that I use myself (and have done for many years) – my orgasms keep getting stronger, better, richer, more emotionally satisfying and more cosmic – and there’s no reason why yours shouldn’t too!!

Everything is recorded! We’ve had people go through my programs and still get incredible results from watching the replays in their own time and utilising the Facebook group community. You get to do this journey in a way that feels good for you – on your terms and in your time!

You get to meet us exactly where you’re at. This is a no-nudity space! And while we do have some very honest and frank discussions, you have complete sovereignty here. I don’t push clients over edges, and don’t believe that approach achieves long-term benefit. You know your body and your nervous system better than anyone else, and how much you lean in is up to you. We’ve had participants who never showed up to the live calls because they’re incredibly shy – and they still reported having incredible breakthroughs and gained so much from the course. Please note this is the only time this course will run in 2025.

I’m working with mentors to make sure my spaces are as safe and inclusive as possible. In particular, that means on-going anti-racism work as well as creating safer spaces for non-binary, gender-fluid and trans folk. Of course this is a lifetime’s work and I’m actively unpacking my conditioning, but inclusivity is a very high priority to me. If you have a vulva, you are welcome in this space (this is due to the specific anatomical emphasis of the content). At this point we’re unable to offer scholarships but hope to do so in the future.

Let’s do this!

*Disclaimer: this is not a teacher training course- this course is for your own transformation. Materials and practices are for your personal use only and are not to be used in your own programs or with your own clients. If you’re interested in becoming a certified facilitator of this body of work, please get in touch to join the waitlist for the next intake.

Questions? Please email

About Mangala

Mangala is a Women’s Empowerment and Sexuality coach, and facilitator of global group programs.

She’s on a mission to help pussy-owners become empowered through loving themselves fiercely, celebrating their sexuality, and overcoming the fear, guilt and shame that keeps them playing small.

Having over a decade’s experience in the industry, her super power is helping women and folks with vulvas become deeply connected to their body, pleasure and orgasmic confidence, which is the natural birthright of everyone.

She places a strong emphasis on self-love, embodiment and empowerment in her work, teaching in a no-bullshit, fluff-free, grounded, dogma-free style.

“Thank you again for …bringing together such incredible and inspiring women from across the world to share your wisdom. Every female bodied person needs to know this stuff

Nicki – Victoria, Australia

“Thank you so much for all your guidance and help, I feel so much more grounded and confident. I never thought I’d experience pleasure again!”

L, Germany

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Copyright Mangala Holland International 2025

Free 3 part video series

From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction

Overcome numbness & disconnection
Awaken your delicious pleasure and deep fulfilment