Embodied Female Pleasure

10 month online female sexuality facilitator training program for women and pussy-owners

Embodied Female Pleasure

10 month online female sexuality facilitator training program for women and pussy-owners

next intake SUMMER 2025

“I love the body I see in the mirror, no matter how it might be changing at any given moment ”​


Watch Ramona’s video interview

Female sexuality is mysterious, non-linear and nuanced

Without the proper training it’s easy to accidentally and unconsciously cause harm to clients and retraumatise them (sadly all too common in the Sacred Sexuality/Neo-Tantra world). Learn from one of the most experienced and respected educators in the industry so that you gain the confidence to teach correctly and hold the safest space possible.

In this comprehensive 10 month Embodied Female Pleasure online facilitator training you’ll:

“Mangala gifted me a clear roadmap & structure to guide others in embodying female pleasure whilst making room for me to infuse it with my own unique flavour. I feel totally confident to facilitate groups and 1-1 clients in this truly transformative work. This training is not only an investment in yourself, but an investment in your business and the clients whose lives will be positively impacted by your guidance. If you are feeling the gentle nudge to accept this invitation then respond with a full body YES.”

Gabriella Espinosa (USA), founder of Womens’ Body Wisdom

Why you? Why now?

The world is going through huge change, upheaval and crisis. More folks than ever before are waking up to the levels of dissatisfaction in their lives and relationships. People are hungry to know themselves more deeply, to heal and transform.

Female sexuality is a core piece of this – everything that’s out of alignment, shut down and dysfunctional in someone’s life is reflected in their sexuality, their relationship to their body and pleasure.

Through embarking on a journey of empowerment and awakening pleasure, we get to experience deep healing, a stronger sense of self, healthier boundaries and solid self-confidence. The effects show up in every area of life – at work, in relationships, earning potential, creative expression, family dynamics etc.

Connecting with pleasure isn’t a frivolous luxury and it shouldn’t be for a privileged few

This is the natural birthright of every human, and requires moving out of survival mode so that you can fully thrive.

When someone is so deeply anchored in their own body wisdom and connected to their pleasure, they’re unshakable – they don’t give their power away and they make healthier life choices.

If you understand this, you know there is big work to be done, and you’re invited to be part of this global movement of change.

What’s covered?

There are 3 core pillars to Embodied Female Pleasure:


You can’t teach it until you’ve embodied it!

We place a large emphasis on personal development, expansion & proficiency – you’re guided to go deeper in your own embodiment discovery, pleasure and orgasmic confidence.

These tools and practices form the foundation of this body of work – from nervous system regulation and self-enquiry processes to very specific techniques for working through vaginal numbness, techniques for g-spot and cervical orgasms, and tools for integration.

Going deeper in your own journey gives you a thorough, embodied understanding of the holistic approach required to fully support your clients in their sensual awakening and sexual transformation. It also gives you the support to integrate the teachings, hold epic space for clients, and increase your capacity for your own pleasure, orgasmic states, creative flow, amazing clients, and wealth.

Theory, practice & techniques

By gaining rock solid confidence in your knowledge and skills you’ll become a safe and trusted female sexuality expert; your clients will get to experience the same epic transformation that has changed the lives of thousands of women and folks with vulvas

The content you’ll learn to teach is:

Professional skills

Taught by guest experts so that you gain a deeper understanding of the nervous system, learn how to support clients if a trauma response occurs, and know exactly when to refer potential clients to other practitioners

Taught by guest experts so that you gain the understanding of how to reduce harm and create more inclusive, welcoming and equitable spaces for BIWOC and trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming folk

Facilitation skills for both groups and individual learning, so that you can hold supportive, well held spaces so that your participants can relax and gain the maximum benefit

Learn the nuances and different skills required when teaching in person and online so that you can confidently offer both options to your community and have a thriving business regardless of potential travel restrictions and lockdowns

So that you can fully support your individual clients to experience deep, lasting sexual and personal transformation

So that you can enrol clients as soon as you graduate, charge what you’re worth and avoid the costly mistakes many people make when they put their first offers out

So that you can scale your income, serve more clients and create more impact

What my clients are saying

“EFP has been a beautiful supportive community and container to explore our intimate selves. For me, it has been a constant unfolding and inquiry of the layers of self, with the support of pleasure as a foundation for healing…. I have healed deep parts of me, and learned to inhabit my body through both pleasure and pain. I now trust the deep intelligence of my body and continue to learn the language we share, and the importance of reclaiming pleasure as both our birth right and as a healing power that every one of us has access to”.

Melanie Honda, USA

“I feel so much more connected to my body and feel I have great tools to use in times of stress, frustration and general stuckness that connect me with the pleasure in my body. I love that I prioritize pleasure now.  I feel so much more confident with my body, exploring, taking time and also in partner sex. I know my internal pleasure spots more and have enjoyed the beautiful connection I have been cultivating with my cervix/womb. Engaging with my resistances held so much growth and opportunity for self-love and self-intimacy.”

Dr Cristina Cooper (Melbourne, Australia)

How does it work?

This 10 month course has been specifically constructed to provide you with the necessary time to fully embody the tools, practices and teaching before you get to teach others.

Previous participants have:

“I’m really excited to support women in my community with getting back into their bodies”

Carly Flinn

Watch Carly’s video interview

What can I do with this training?

Upon successful completion of this course you’ll be a certified Embodied Female Pleasure facilitator.

You’ll be licensed to teach the specific practices, exercises and processes in different formats depending on your needs – eg in retreats, workshops, online courses and coaching/mentoring sessions.

You’ll be able to incorporate these modalities into your existing professional modalities where appropriate

Who’s it for?

You identify with at least one of the following:

And also:

It’s not for you if...

About Mangala

Mangala is a Women’s Empowerment and Sexuality coach, and facilitator of global group programs.

She’s on a mission to help pussy-owners become empowered through loving themselves fiercely, celebrating their sexuality, and overcoming the fear, guilt and shame that keeps them playing small.

Having over a decade’s experience in the industry, her super power is helping women and folks with vulvas become deeply connected to their body, pleasure and orgasmic confidence, which is the natural birthright of everyone.

She places a strong emphasis on self-love, embodiment and empowerment in her work, teaching in a no-bullshit, fluff-free, grounded, dogma-free style.

Investment (USD)

Super early bird

(to 30th November 2024)

Pay in full: $9,000
Payment Plan: (deposit $2000 plus 10 x monthly instalments of $750)


Early bird

(to 31st December 2024)

Pay in full: $10,000
Payment Plan: (deposit $2000 plus 10 x monthly instalments of $850)


(to 6th February 2024)

Pay in full: $12,000
Payment Plan: (deposit $2000 plus 10 x monthly instalments of $1,050)


This is a 10 month online training. Expect to spend approx. 7-10 hours per week exploring personal embodiment practices, self-pleasure practices, breathwork/meditation and self-study (this will be the best “homework” you’ve ever had!)

The live group classes are 2 x 2 hour calls per month with Mangala or a guest expert, plus 1 x 60 minute live Q&A call per week, as well as additional practice sessions in groups or pairs at certain times.

You also get 1:1s with Mangala or a support coach each month, so that you get personal, tailored support for your own development – whether that’s for your own pleasure journey or helping you develop your business.

You’ll be invited into both the online learning portal as well as a secret Facebook group with bonus calls, extra support and you’ll also gain access to a library of additional materials and resources.

Successful certification is dependent on attendance, submission of practice logs, passing exams and practicums as well as completion of all fees.

Once certified you are entitled to use the title Embodied Female Pleasure in your marketing, and to use the exercises, tools, practices and processes covered in the training. 

Dive into the deepest journey of your own sensuality, pleasure and orgasms; gain the skills and competency required to show up and serve your clients with confidence; build a solid business you can be truly proud of

next intake SUMMER 2025

“It was really interesting for me to go through my own process of resistence in making pleasure a regular part of my life”


Watch Monica’s video interview


This is a 10 month training course. Expect to spend approx. 7-10 hours per week exploring personal embodiment practices, self-pleasure practices, breathwork/meditation and self-study (this will be the best “homework” you’ve ever had!)

The live group classes are 2 x 2 hour calls per month with Mangala or a guest expert, plus 1 x 60 minute office hours/Q&A call per month, as well as additional practice sessions in groups or pairs at certain times.

If you’re reading this and feel a fire in your belly, a tingle in your pussy or lit up by the thought of teaching this work – get your application in and let’s talk. There’s a difference between not being ready and being stuck in self-doubt and we won’t accept people onto the course who are genuinely not ready.

We particularly do want to hear from you if you think you’re not “advanced” enough, not “tantric” enough, not “feminine” enough etc. Your own journey and life experience counts for a lot. Trust your gut, listen to your desire, get your application in and let’s talk.

Numbers are strictly limited! 

Click on the “apply” button below, book your interview asap, and complete your application form. 

Please note that in order to take advantage of any Early Bird Rates, you need to have been interviewed and accepted by that date. Spaces are strictly on a first-come first served basis and it’s anticipated this will sell out quickly.

That’s ok! If you’re accepted you’ll be prioritising your pleasure for the next 10 months using the exact tools and techniques that have helped thousands of women and vulva owners. If you’re at the point in your journey where you’re excited to go deeper – please apply and let’s talk!

next intake SUMMER 2025

Application Form

Please answer these questions and keep it simple!
We’ll discuss more on the call…

please apply by booking a call with mangala

Don’t see a convenient time? Please contact me on mangala@mangalaholland.com

Copyright Mangala Holland International 2025

Next intake SUMMER 2025

Embodied Female Pleasure

10-month online female sexuality facilitator training program

Free 3 part video series

From Shut Down to Sensual Satisfaction

Overcome numbness & disconnection
Awaken your delicious pleasure and deep fulfilment